Rare Market Seoul Fashion Week 2017


Rare Market Seoul Fashion Week 2017

This project is designed for Rare Market in Seoul. It's for the promotion of a clothing brand "we11done" for its 3rd launching during Seoul Fashion Week 2017.

The client requested to advertise the brand in their parking lot. To capture immediate attention, we used O.S.B panels to construct a 10-meter by 6-meter wall for the poster collage.


Client: Rare Market
Designers: Dunsol Ko
Materials: O.S.B panel, Steel frame, Wire
Address: Rare Market,95-5 Cheongdam-dong,Seoul
Usage: Visual Merchandising Design (temporary)
Construction: Mono Pastel Design&Entertainment
Collaboration: we11done
Completion: 10/15/2017
Photo&video: Dunsol Ko